Sunday, 6 February 2011

Good friends

Happy waitangi weekend everyone - actually waitangi day is tomorrow but they had a market and multicultural event on the shores of Lake Taupo this morning so we popped in there for a bit and then headed back up north to Auckland.

Only went wrong once on the way to our friends house. Hazel and Gavin emigrated about 8 yrs ago and we've only seen then once in that time so it was great to catch up. You know you have good friends when you don't see each other for that time and after 30 mins you are hanging out the washing and nattering like you only met for coffee yesterday!

Got taken to see One Tree Hill and Mt Eden and Gavins school and a few other little bits.

It was really good to sit down at a proper table in a house with great company for great food (BBQ).

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