Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Back to Picton

Bit of a depressing day really ...... Well, in the grander scheme of things not so bad for us just lots of bad news about Christchurch combined with that generally 'feeling very lucky not to have been there but completely useless as can't help at all' thing.

Woke up to rain - bit much really, rain, I mean honestly, we haven't seen any of that for a few weeks now!

Read our books and chatted to the other guests in our backpackers for a bit then went out for a walk. Got quite wet but never mind.

Chatted to Tanya and Shane the lovely owners of our lovely backpackers for a bit. They are off to Borneo soon so we gave them that blog address etc - they wanted to know if we could house sit for them. Can't tell you how tempted we were.........

Had left overs lunch - jam sandwich, cold pasta, red pepper, cucumber and a tin of chicken in lite mayo. Sounds grim but consider the jam sandwich as pudding and then make the rest into pasta salad and it wasn't too bad.

Wandered down to water taxi just in time to hear of earthquake in Christchurch.

Remember those lovely photos we posted of the views on our walk? Today's picture is the view from the water taxi so you can see what the weather is like!

Back to backpackers in Picton via supermarket for dinner and lunch tomorrow and then laundry, photo downloading, finding somewhere to stay in kaikoura and generally trying to work out what to do next in our trip.

We stayed downstairs chatting with guests and watching the news until it all got a bit too depressing about Christchurch.

Hopefully better weather and a cheerier outlook tomorrow. It is good to have 'housework days' every now and again though!

Oh and just so you know - I am organised as ever, food in fridge and cupboard in kitchen and have just turned to bedside table to switch off light and for some reason there is a 400g packet of sultanas along with a insect bite zapper and my glasses there(and yes I have just put my glasses on to check it is a packet of sultanas) really must remember to eat them soon!

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