Saturday, 19 February 2011

From north to south

So after excitement of visit to doctors yesterday I did the thing all not good patients do and ignored drs advice! Well that is not strictly true - due to ferry crossing of cook strait which guidebook says us 'notoriously rough' I opted for delaying the taking of my antihistamine which may have made me drowsy and sick feeling swapping it instead for travel sickness tablet.

Cook Strait was a mill pond!

Through the Malborough Sounds was beautiful - so I was very glad to be awake!

Took antihistamine at 7pm and at 8.15pm was being driven completely crazy by itching legs. Nurse Martyn was supplying cold wet towels and I gave up an popped some well known brand ibuprofen. Nurse Martyn researched side effects and drug compatability and discovered I may well have some interesting dreams! I was asleep by then though so too late 8) (mart: she didn't apparently, what a disappointment!)

We have however as you may have gathered, made it to the South Island and are currently doing the Queen Charlotte Track but there is no phone o wireless so you will have to catch up on all of this when we get back to civilisation!

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