Monday, 30 May 2011

Toilet Humour

Martyn very chuffed with breakfast. Pre-ordered yesterday and he wasn’t sure his attempts to ask for an egg and bacon sandwich had worked. This morning – triple decker egg and bacon arrived. Ate on bus. I was allowed two small bites. Very nice.

2 hours later stopped for toilet break. No cubicles at all this time. Just three holes in the ground next to each other. For some reason two Chinese women filled these up from the closest one to the door so I had to walk past them to get to my allocated hole! Wasn’t sure of the etiquette but it seems that you wait until everyone is ready and then all go together. I think maybe I messed up by standing up before they were ready – I don’t really want to think about what else may have caused their little giggles! One of our group decided the ladies was too public so went in the gents. Fortunately this worked to her advantage as they were empty. It could however have been a very interesting experience.

2 hours later, lunch break. Toilets here had cubicles and doors and everything. All a bit disappointing in a way! Quite a relief in more than one other way though!

Lunch on bus – all others in group had Oreo cookies and Chinese Pringles. Martyn and I had savoury biscuits (we think tomato and Chinese leaf flavor given the pictures on the packet) with chicken flavoured processed sausage and tomato flavoured processed sausage (think Heinz tomato soup but sort of dehydrated and made into one of those plastic cheese stick things kids eat nowadays……). We’re saving our pickled chilli tofu for another day.

Another 2.5 hours later arrived at ChongQing  and bus stop. On the way passed over a flyover and glanced left to see lots of blocks of flats that looked just like Birmingham!). Unfortunately our transport to the harbor was at another bus stop. Waited a while and it found us. Boarded cruise ship. Luxury liner it is not but we have ensuite and a window…….we just won’t be putting our bare feet on the carpet in the corridors that’s all. At least there is not the Titanic theme playing over the loudspeakers (yet!).

Dinner and shopping to stock up on goodies and snacks for our cruise. Chinese pot noodles for dinner as eating on board is quite expensive to say the least! I have gone for ‘roasted beef’ while Martyn has two different variations on ‘hot n spicy’. We’re thinking we might mix them together. We’ve unpacked all our food onto the little table in our room. We seem to have half a supermarket but I’m sure we’ll make an effort and eat it.

Wow – cruise has literally just started. We checked in at 3pm and got our rooms and then went out for dinner. Its 9.30pm and we’ve just left the dock. Not bad really, when we asked what time the boat left it was anytime between 8.30 and 11 depending on when the last person arrived!

So we’re off, never done a cruise before. Should be interesting. Its dark outside. I wonder what we’ll see when we wake up………

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