Our steamboat trip last night was very cool (well warm actually being as i spent most of the journey in with the stoker!) You could walk on gangways in the engine room and they has schematics to show you how it all worked. Martyn called me a petrol head but then had to correct this as it was of course a steam boat (I mean der come on husband) in the end he decided to settle for me being truly my fathers daughter (which is reassuring!) - it was ace dad and we have video - much better than the diesel (pah) train we were supposed to go on a while ago!
And it came with a free sheep shearing demo as we arrived at the farm at Glenorchy in time for the end of the farm show and the boat crew said we could sneak down and watch - bargain!!
All this excitement resulted in a late night so it was quite hard to get up this morning - even with the very helpful and loud alarm that went off. Martyn lay in bed and mumbled 'wassat ?' I said 'earthquake alarm' got up, checked the corridor, decided earth was not moving and everyone else still in bed so went back to bed only to turn round to find Martyn trying to use iPhone to work out what he was supposed to do. Ah bless :)
Later on someone told us it was a firealarm which was a bit disappointing in a way.
This story is all the funnier for the fact that at least three other people have told us stories about being woken up by the alarm in Queenstown, none of which we remembered at the time of course!
So having had a small adrenalin rush start to the day we set of up the gondola which whilst very steep was quite a calm start. Of course once you've gone up you have to come down. We vetoed the luge as it didn't actually get you down and we'd done one already. Bungee jump was out too and it was quite breezy so I was saved from my mad paragliding fancy! What did that leave? Only the steepest zip line in the world!!!!!! Waaaaahhhaaaayyyy
Zip a de do dah, zip a de day, my oh my what a wonderful day!
6 zip lines, 2.5hrs, jazz hands, a cannonball and two upside downers later we were at the bottom (and Martyn has the video evidence I actually did those things - of course being in charge of camera he stayed upright and declared it good fun and not too painful - very important for blokes when in harness!!)
So off we zipped ('scuse the pun) to Fergburger for lunch - yummy but ate waaay too much. Then drove over mountains to Arrowtown which is a pretty little gold mining place. Wandered the shops very slowly attempting to let dinner settle but still had to sit in car and read paper before I felt better!
Pootled rest of way to Wanaka where we are staying tonight and where we have discovered 'adrenalin laundry'.
I swear everyone else staying here has chosen tonight to do laundry - the machines were all in use and we left our room and checked twice, just as we were about to check a third time two blokes wandered along with bags full of washing - I kept an eye out on one laundry, Martyn ran to the other, baggied a machine and waved me over, load one sorted, quick 300m dash to the other laundry and quick, machine free, load two underway.....seriously, if it's got to a two load situation this is drama - no washing = going commando from this point on and it's a bit nippy here now - very nice but there is definitely a little chill in the air sometimes.
Currently in phase two of adrenalin laundry - will the driers be free before the laundry closes for the night? Got one lot in so there is hope for clean and dry pants.......will we be drying the second lot in the car tomorrow I wonder ..... Oooooh the suspense....... 'Who needs White water rafting or skydiving?' that's all I can say!!!!
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