Friday, 31 December 2010

Wow 3 nights in the same place

Quick do the washing, oh dear 6 loads of bath water later and things seem to smell a bit better. Unfortunately we now need some industrial cleaner to get the scum off the bath. Martyn was quite worried that all the mud and grit would block the drain at one point. Still all done now and I'm sat experiencing some kind of water torture as our washing drip dries around me. Might need ear plugs to block out the dripping tonight. Next time we're using the laundrette it was only 2 pounds per kilo - doh.
Tan looking good already - hole in ozone layer directly above us and everywhere is covered in sunburn warning scales today was warp factor 9 out of 15 which is just in the red on the traffic light system they have factor 30 sun tan lotion is the minimum they sell here.
Off to see the place where settlers first landed tomorrow before an afternoon nap in the hope we will then stay awake for fireworks at midnight although our success rate with this sort of thing is not great and we have to be up at 7 am on new years day to go see the penguins. Happy new year everyone as you will get there before we do !


  1. Hey guys, enjoyed catching up with what you've been up to so far today - I've had flu (yes Kay, I'm actually calling it flu and not just a heavy cold) but am now past the worst - temperature getting back to normal, aches subsiding, snot congealing (sorry but you know me, had to be gross). We've been thinking about you alot but especially tonight as we usually see in the new year with you. I could make Ian stand outside in the cold with his lump of coal but it won't be the same without you and Martyn! Mountains and lake look amazing. Happy new year to you both. Miss you lots. xxx P.S Licks from Kali

  2. Hey Claire tell Ian to get out there and first foot it, don't forget the bread and salt as well as the coal though. Have a limoncello on us. We're still waiting for the sun to go down -only seems to be about 3 hours of darkness here!
    Glad you're feeling better.

  3. Sorry guys we let you down - no first footing as I went to bed early feeling a bit rough. Ian and Kali spent 20 minutes in the back garden around midnight, barking at the fireworks. Well, Kali was barking. (Although Ian might have been too, I wasn't there).
    Ava has two new teeth (up to 8 now) and now stands up at every opportunity, including bathtime! Loving the photos in the slideshow thingy - initiaily confused by the Taj Mahal but notice it has gone now!
    Hope you had a fantastic new year's day. xxx


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