Tuesday, 30 November 2010

how much?????!!!!

I am definately making this harder than it needs to be I think. China visas sorted. Am now drowning in SE Asia visa chaos.
Thought we would go overland......not entirely sure about visas but seemed like a good plan (although obviously due to Martyns distinct aversion to these there isn't really a plan......just a list, nope not allowed those either.....well just a sort of vague idea of things we might do then - thats a plan to most of us just don't tell Martyn)
Then we sort of chickened out of the overland border crossing thing - read some nightmare stories and didn't really fancy standing arguing with border officials with guns and the like......
Then discovered Thailand has an exemption for UK passport holders and you can get visa at airport - great, as long as you have proof of onward travel - and a flight out of Hanoi doesn't count......so we need a flight ticket out of Thailand........apparently no-one ever asks to see your proof of onward travel but given our luck (see previous Christmas Eve, no room at inn posting) we know what would happen if we risked it!
So I've spent 4 hours digging into SE Asia flights hence the HOW MUCH?????!!!!!!! humph and the like. We're definately going overland now!
Ah well, its kept me busy while the snow fell, and I've avoided the filing for long enough!
I think I shall do something more constructive and book a taxi to the airport (no doubt this will result in another HOW MUCH????!!!!!)
I have this excellent spreadsheet you see with macros and exchange rates and everything. Martyn of course is into blowing the budget with his gadget shopping list........we'll be doing lots of walking on this trip - its free! Unfortunately when I last looked at the spreadsheet I said 'HOW MUCH' - seems to be the phrase of the day.....haven't even left yet...........

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